Sander's Blurbs


Category: Status

If you set a toggle Do Not Disturb keyboard shortcut (it’s under Mission Control) you can then use Keyboard Maestro to toggle DND when your video conferencing software is launching and quitting!

I’m seeing too often that a flashy solution is chosen and confusing everyone else on the team apart from the person picking the solution.

You know you have too many side projects when you have to organise them by programming language šŸ™ˆ

One of the better films Iā€™ve seen lately and a good comment on society Bad Hair (2020).

How are other PHP developers managing the different tooling environments switching between projects?

When you keep muting / unmuting on video calls and realise it’s your belly is pressing the space bar šŸ˜¬

Trump has always been about exploiting the social share. To play both sides so people can share their validated view out of context, ultimately causing extremism. Social Media needs to take responsibility.

Beatport Pro I think is still being retired on November 16. If a usable API is available I might have to build an alternative interface. I need preview history and BPM sorting.

Turns out the ASUS router firmware update check does not update to the most recent firmware!

To replace a non-breaking space with a regular one (cause of non-functional Markdown headers), create a new BetterTouchTool trigger in the Keyboard Shortcut section and replace alt-space with space.

When you’re getting stale NFS file handle errors when using Docker, give /sbin/nfsd full disk access permissions on macOS or move your projects out of the sandboxed folder (I use ~/dev).

Turns out I viewed iA Writer as a creative writing tool, not a markdown note taker. My mistake, it just turns out itā€™s the best at both. šŸ‘Œ

I want to install a go app on the raspberry pi. For which I need go. Which I thought I could conveniently install with homebrew for Linux. Which requires ruby 2.6.3+, which the pi doesnā€™t have. So I installed rvm and have to compile ruby from source #yakshaving