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Senior Web Engineer. Open web / music. Remote DJ. Tall Dutch guy. #3million



I’ve FINALLY setup a BookStack instance (trivial, once I sorted out a Let's Encrypt issue) for reference documentation. Find it at The ‘pages’ functionality for Known is pretty weak, and I think Bookstack will give me a good organisational structure by default, rather than hacking around in other systems. The Braindump will help me note down things I learn and collate my snippets.

I'll move my reference documentation from my site into it over time.


Added a quick example to the wp_schedule_event() codex page as all the examples provided are broken in some way.


End of Lives

Really handy reference site for many products. Remember that system provided packages are supported with backported security fixes in most cases. 


I've updated my notetaking tool reference with my current recommendation: Dropbox Paper


PagerDuty Incident Response Documentation

PagerDuty open-sources its incident response best practices, this is an interesting reference for anyone doing work with an on-call element



Generating Atom feeds from your Lektor site

After quickstarting a Lektor site, a next obvious thing to do is to add a feed to the site's blog. Fortunately, Lektor has a growing ecosystem of plugins, one of them creates atom feeds.

Installation of lektor-atom

The plugin to install is lektor-atom, and is installed via the terminal:

lektor plugin add lektor-atom@0.2
lektor build

This adds a reference to the myproject.lektorproject file with the plugin and installs the plugin into the lektor pipeline.

Configure a feed

However, notice that after building the site no feed is generated! This is because no feeds have been setup yet.

Create a configs/atom.ini containing the following lines (full documentation)

name = My Blog feed
source_path = /blog
item_model = blog-post
url_path = /blog/feed.xml

Change the url_path to suit your preferences. Trying to build now would result in an error: E blog/feed.xml (RuntimeError: To use absolute URLs you need to configure the URL in the project config.)

To resolve the build process myproject.lektorproject must be updated with two lines within the project section to indicate the site's live URL and an absolute URL style:

name = My Project
url =

lektor-atom = 0.2

The site can then build and the resulting feed can be accesssed from


If your blog is more of a reference than a diary, why do you organise your posts in a timeline? Instead group them by category.<p>#status </p>