Sander's Blurbs


Tag: repoman

Repoman 0.2

Repoman is a script to export and import a list of git repositories.

It helps me have all my active projects available on multiple laptops.

What’s new?

Version 0.2 switches input and output to stdin and out, so that piping operations can be used to direct input and output to and from repoman.

# On computer 1
$ | tee repoman.lst

$ ls *.lst

# On computer 2
$ cat repoman.lst |

⏳ Cloning freshcookies
Cloning into 'freshcookies'...
Resolving deltas: 100% (8/8), done.

⏳ Cloning repoman
Cloning into 'repoman'...
Receiving objects: 100% (7/7), done.

$ ls -d */
freshcookies  repoman

For more information, please refer to the examples in the readme.

Repoman 0.1

Repoman is a script to export and import a list of git repositories using an intermediate repoman.lst file.

When exporting, Repoman scans the working directory for .git folders and save its relative path with the git remote.

When importing, repoman will restore this directory structure and clone each repository.

Why use this?

It’s considered bad practice to use cloud sync solutions to sync working copies.

Repoman helps you work on the same projects on multiple devices, by syncing repoman.lst instead.


Get Repoman 0.1 on GitHub